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Request for Proposals
Responses due:
5:00 pm Eastern Standard Time
on Friday, February 14, 2025, at
The Water Environment Federation (WEF) is inviting proposals for the provision of automatic samplers and flow meters, and training and troubleshooting related to their use, to small, rural, tribal, and territorial communities as part of our activities under our Cooperative Agreement with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
During the COVID-19 pandemic, wastewater-based disease surveillance emerged as a tool for understanding COVID-19 infection trends in communities independent of healthcare-seeking behavior and clinical testing resources. Participation in wastewater surveillance to date, however, has skewed toward larger, well-resourced utilities. These resources include but are not limited to continuous in-situ monitors and automatic samplers.
To help address disparities in the distribution of automatic samplers (also known as composite samplers or peristaltic samplers and hereinafter referred to as “autosamplers”), WEF provided free autosamplers and flow meters to utilities in small communities in 2022, 2023, and 2024. In 2025, WEF would like to build on the success of the program thus far by providing 20 additional free autosamplers, including a flow meter if desired, to water resource recovery facilities (WRRFs) and organizations that collect sewage from small, rural, tribal, and territorial communities.
Representatives from eligible communities will apply to receive an autosampler as part of this program and will indicate their preference for either a full-size, refrigerated sampler that can be used to collect a sample where power is available (such as in a pumping station or at the WRRF influent) or portable, compact autosampler that could be deployed in locations without available power (such as a manhole). In addition, communities selecting a refrigerated sampler may opt for either a standard model or a model suitable for operation in cold ambient temperatures. Communities may also request a flow meter compatible with the autosampler.
Through this request, WEF is soliciting proposals from suppliers for the provision of autosampler and flow meter packages, and materials and troubleshooting related to their use.
Please see the RFP for additional detail for submissions at https://www.nwbe.org