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The Industrial Water Quality Achievement Award is presented to a corporation and, if applicable, to its engineering firm that best demonstrates significant, lasting, and measurable excellence in water quality improvement or in the prevention of water quality degradation as demonstrated by innovative design and operation of an industrial wastewater, pretreatment or source prevention program.


i. The program should be operated by an industry or show significant input by industry.
ii. Joint awards between industrial and engineering consultants will be made for innovative designs or process alternations or management.
iii. The program must lie within the boundaries of one or more Member Association(s) sponsoring the nomination. 
iv. A program is eligible during a five-year period immediately after documented results become a matter of public record. Two re-nominations may be made.
v. The program must demonstrate a significant achievement in design, operation, or process change resulting in demonstrated long-term water quality improvement. The application should give significant detail as to the nature of the engineering or scientific advances leading to the improvement. Examples of criteria are one or more of the following:
     1. Detailed summary data showing significant reduction in classic macro pollutants, e.g. BOD, N, P, TS discharged to the receiving stream or municipal sewer.
     2. Detailed summary data showing significant reduction in micro pollutants, e.g. chlorinated hydrocarbons, pesticides, metals, or hazardous compounds to the receiving stream or municipal sewer. 
     3. A method of source reduction by process alternation which demonstrates reduction of water sued or water pollution.
     4. A method of source reduction by product alternation which demonstrates reduction of water used or water pollution.
     5. A method of materials recycling resulting in lower water use, or lower water pollution generation.
     6. A method of waste water treatment involving energy saving without loss of efficiency.
     7. Innovations resulting in the protection of groundwater, soil, or air from a new or existing industrial wastewater treatment facility.
     8. An environmental management strategy or training program that increases environmental awareness and results in significant source reduction or water pollution prevention.


1. Nomination Form
2. Letter of nomination originating from an officer of the Member Association or chair of the respective WEF Committee.
3. Letter of acknowledgment of nomination from a responsible member of the potential award recipient.
4. Body of Application:
     a. Problem statement and program goals
     b. Problem solution
     c. Unique scientific or engineering or management skills embodied in the program
     d. Evidence of attainment of goals (at least one year of data)
     e. External references from a municipal, state or federal agency
     f. Summary of why the program is worthy of award. 

Nominations Accepted From:

  • WEF Member Associations
  • WEF Members
  • WEF Committees

Nominations Deadline:

A final copy of your nomination must be received by April 1.

Click here to nominate!
