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Recognizes WEF Exhibitor Members who have introduced new innovative products or services related to our industry.


A subcommittee of the Awards and Recognition Committee will select up to four (4) outstanding technologies and companies and recommend them for this award. The company must be a WEF Exhibitor Member to apply and the technology must be installed and in use for more than one year, but not more than five years. Any new technology used within the water industry may be submitted. Examples include: instrumentation, process equipment, collection systems, solids handling, stormwater treatment, water purification, software, on-site systems, and heavy machinery. The winners are announced prior to WEFTEC and the award is presented during the WEFTEC Awards celebration.


  • The products or services must demonstrate an innovative aspect utilizing new ideas, methods, alterations and/or unique changes from existing systems.
  • The products or services must have been in full scale operation at a wastewater treatment facility or in a collections system for a minimum of one year.
  • The products or services are eligible for a five-year period immediately after documented results from a full scale installation become a matter of public record. Two re-nominations may be made.
  • The products or services must demonstrate a significant achievement in design, operation, maintenance or process change resulting in demonstrated long-term water quality improvement. The application should give significant detail as to the nature of the engineering or scientific advances leading to the improvement.


  • Nomination Form
  • Documentation stating specific reasons for nomination.
  • Supporting documentation required under criteria, i.e. detailed summary data showing significant reduction in classic macro pollutants, BOD, N, TS discharged to the effluent or in the sludge.
  • Detailed summary data showing significant reduction in micro pollutants, chlorinated hydrocarbons, pesticides, metals, or hazardous compounds by the products or services; Method of wastewater treatment or sludge handling/disposal that maintains efficiency and results in lower capital, operating or maintenance costs as a result of using the products or services.

Nominations Accepted From:

WEF Exhibitor Members

Nominations Deadline:

A final copy of your nomination must be received by April 1.

Click here to nominate!
